Design & Build
Area of Expertise
Since 2002, we extensively offer environmental consultancy, application for approval and licensing services for industrial wastewater industry and precious metal recovery industry.
Through these more than 18 years experience in consulting and preparing environmental documentation for DOE approvals, those clients whom we have served are from various types of industries, ranging from industrial wastewater treatment setup, air pollution control setup, scheduled waste recovery, etc.
Provide one-stop-shop services, from sites survey, document preparation, submission, clarification meeting & presentation.
We specialize in :

Heavy Metal Waste

Cyanide Waste

Aerospace Waste

Automotive Waste

Oil Refinery Waste

Domestic Waste

Industrial Waste

Food Waste

Plating Waste

Pulp and Paper Waste

Chemical Waste

Microelectronic Waste

Paint & Ink Waste

Plating Waste