
Post Approval


For Full Recovery/Partial Recovery :
Once License been obtained, the client is required to follow all the rules stated in the Jadual Pematuhan.

For IETP and APC approval :

Client is required to follow the guidelines in the Environment Quality Act, 1974.

We will provide samples of the monitoring checklist and forms which are required to be filled by the Competent Person of the company.

Also remember to follow and submit your IETP monthly results on-line.

APC results are still be submitted in hard-copy form to the State DOE offices as and when they fall due.

License Compliance Schedule

Upon approval of Section 18 (Operating License) is released by DOE, there will be some criteria in compliance schedule needs to be complied under Environment Quality Act, 1974. Amongst them including the followings :

  1. The requirement of Competent Person under Section 49A – (1.1) He/She should always be the premise to carry out any activities related to scheduled waste management and pollution control devices monitoring.

  2. The types & quantities of scheduled waste applied have to be strictly complied – (2.1) No other types of scheduled waste should be received; (2.2) Scheduled waste received tonnage should not exceed the applied tonnage; (2.3) Incoming scheduled waste which is not fulling WAC (Waste Acceptance Criteria) should not be received; (2.4) Import & export of scheduled waste is absolutely prohibited unless written approval is received from Director General of DOE; (2.5) Before any treatment system modification, increase in intake capacity, received of new scheduled waste code, written approval should be received from Director General of DOE before hand.

  3. Source of Waste Generated – (3.1) A list compilation of scheduled waste generator at (2.1) above should be provided in Appendix A (Lampiran A); (3.2) Application for additional scheduled waste generator(s) must be provided in [3.2.1] Borang TWG/SBT/99-1, [3.2.2] Borang TWG/SBT/99-2, [3.2.3] current updated Appendix A (Lampiran A).

  4. General Arrangement of Premise – (4.1) The layout and design of this facility for scheduled waste recovery should follow the Section 18 submittal drawing plans; (4.2) For aAny changes to the layout and design of the scheduled waste recovery facility as set out in paragraph 4.1 above, a written approval must be obtained, under Section 19 of the Environmental Quality Act 1974, from the Director General of DOE.

  5. Process and design of plant recovery – (5.1) The process of scheduled waste recovery must be carried out in accordance with the written approval under Section 19, EQA 1974 approved by this Department;  (5.2) The activities allowed including collection, storage, disassembly, disassembly and separation of scheduled waste outlined in paragraph 2.1 only. Buying and direct selling of such scheduled wastes is not allowed; (5.3) Any proposed amendment to the process must require a written approval under Section 19 of the WQA 1974, from the Director General of the DOE, before the any amendment work is carried out.

  6. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – (6.1) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each stage of the process and scheduled waste handling shall be provided and complied with; (6.2) The SOP provided should be updated according to current requirements and clearly displayed in appropriate areas for easy reference.

  7. Product from Partial Recovery – (7.1) Products produced are still categorized as scheduled waste and must be clearly labeled with the product name, SW code and the date they are produced in accordance with Regulation 10, Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005; (7.2) The product must be shipped for further recovery process to the Full Recovery Facility licensed by the Department of Environment as stated in the agreement document. Export of this product requires prior written approval from the Director General of Environment. (7.3) Agreement with Off-Site e-Waste Full Recovery Facility, licensed by the Department of Environment, should be kept in-force. The renewal term of the agreement shall not be less than one year.

  8. Pollution Control – (8.1) Air, any installation and operation of air pollution control systems and fuels combustion system including generators shall comply with the Environmental Quality (Clean Air) Regulations 2014; (8.2) Effluent, any production of effluent must comply with the Environmental Quality (Industrial Efluen) Regulations 2009; (8.3) Noise, noise generated from this activity shall be maintained at no more than 70 dB (A) at the plant boundary during the day time (7:00 am to 7:00 pm) and 60 dB (A) at night time (7:00 pm to 7:00 am).  Noise monitoring shall be conducted and the report shall be submitted to the State Department of Environment once (1) once a year or as directed by the Department. For premises located above the upper limit, please refer to Schedule 3, The Planning Guidelines for Environmental Noise Limits and Control.

  9. Waste Storage – (9.1) Special waste storage areas shall be adequately designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with guidelines set by the Director General of DOE to prevent spillage or leakage of scheduled waste to the environment; (9.2) The waste mentioned in paragraph 2.1 above and the residue resulting from the recovery activities should be stored in appropriate, closed, durable containers and that can prevent spillage or leakage of scheduled waste to the environment; (9.3) Incompatible scheduled waste storage cannot be stored totally; (9.4) The labels used should contain the following details: – [a] Name / Type of waste/residue, [b] Waste/residue code, [c] Data of waste/residue generated, [d] Name and address of waste/residue generator; (9.5) The “Scheduled Waste Storage” warning sign should be placed strategically in front of and behind the storage; (9.6) Storage of e-waste products, residues from recovery activities and other scheduled waste generated from the premise shall not exceed 20 metric tons or 180 days after production or whichever is earlier; (9.7) The scheduled waste received from waste generator as specified in para 2.1 for the purpose of partial recovery shall be labeled with the date of receipt of the waste and such waste must be processed within 180 days of the receipt date.

  10. Document Preparation for Inventory – (10.1) A proper and up-to-date inventory of the types and quantities of scheduled waste received, stored and recovered and residues from the recovery process should be kept in accordance with Rule 6, Environmental Quality (Premises) Regulations (Facility Processing and Scheduled Waste Disposal) (Amendment) 2006 as Appendix E; (10.2) The inventory records must be submitted to the State DOE at every three (3) months, within fourteen (14) days after the end of every three (3) months.

  11. Disposal Record – (11.1) Use ‘eSWIS’ web application to include notification information, inventory and scheduled waste disposal consignment notes generated at the premise as required in the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Waste) Regulations 2005. This application can be reached at the address or the DOE official website; (11.2) Complete the consignment notes in the ‘eSWIS’ application part III, as scheduled waste collector, upon the received of waste; and parts I and II, as scheduled waste producer, when waste is taken out of the premise for disposal to premises licensed by the Department of Environment.

  12. Final Disposal of Waste – (12.1) The waste generated from the partial recovery process should be sent to facilities licensed by the Department of Environment for disposal.

  13. Emergency Control Plan for Spillage, Accident and Fire – (13.1) A valid insurance for the duration of the license including spill / accident / fire as well as scheduled waste cleaning costs. A copy of the insurance must be kept for inspection purpose; (13.2) Any accident / spillage / fire should be immediately controlled and notified to the Director General of the Environment and the Director of the State DOE; (13.3) The Emergency Response Plan (ERP) must be prepared, tested & updated from time to time and approved by the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department; (13.4) Training on the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) should be made available to all staff at least once a year. Records of such training programs should be kept for inspection purposes; (13.5) Make sure all emergency equipment and safety instructions are always in places that are clearly visible, in good condition, and usable.

  14. Cost of Cleaning – (14.1) Responsible for all costs of cleaning, waste disposal and coordination in the event of accidents and spillage occurs.

  15. Decommissioning/Closing Plan – (15.1) A Decommissioning/Closing Plan that describes steps taken in the event that the premise are temporarily closed (for one year or more) or terminates operations must be submitted to the State DOE at least 120 days before any work is carried out; (15.2) The premise decommission/closure process must be completed within 180 days after approval from the DOE and should be carried out in accordance with the approved decommission/closure plan; (15.3) Site clearing for premise decommissioning/closing process should be in accordance with Contaminated Land Management and Control Guidelines No. 1, 2 & 3.

  16. Other Terms – (16.1) Arrange & send responsible staff to attend scheduled waste management courses organized by the Malaysian Institute of Environment (EiMAS); (16.2) You are responsible for providing training on scheduled waste management and the use of the eSWIS system for approved waste generator. (16.3) Provides complete training records for State DOE Officers’ inspections; (16.4) The premise are required to notify the waste generator of the process that is carried out on the scheduled waste whether processing / recovery / disposal to the waste producer; (16.5) Good House Keeping Practices based on the “5S” concept (sort, set in order, shine, standardize and sustain) should be practiced at all times while handling scheduled waste and off-site recovery facilities; (16.6) Provides a closed-circuit camera that records the movement of vehicles in and out at the main door of the premise, at the scheduled waste recovery area and storage areas. Recordings from closed-circuit cameras should be kept and might need to show to DOE officials during inspection; (16.7) A checklist for compliance with the license conditions must be provided by the competent person on a quarterly basis in the format shown in Appendix D and certified by the Top Management. The report must be kept and submitted to the State DOE.

  17. Environmental Audit – (17.1) To conduct environmental audits on the terms and conditions set out in the Compliance Schedule conducted by the Environmental Auditor, registered with the Department, once a year. Compliance audit by third party auditor must be performed in accordance with the guidelines set out. Compliance/Correction reports must be submitted to the state DOE within 2 weeks of the compliance audit report received from the third party auditor.

  18. Environmental Improvement – (18.1) All elements of Environmental Mainstreaming Tools must be implemented.

" Your Companion for Creating a Greener & Environmental Friendly Business with all the compliances to local government and agencies requirements. "

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