Getting Started

Environmental Regulatory Requirement & Fulfillment

In order to fulfill the requirements of Department of Environment (DOE) of Malaysia, one might need some basic knowledges about the fundamental regulatory requirements and procedures.

With regards to this, based on our very own past experiences, some project owners might find the application processes are confusing and of tedious tasks.

With that, we’ve decided to construct this website to hope and provide some vital information and guidelines to assist you on how to go about it.

According to Environmental Quality Act 1974 (EQA), to setup and operate a business with environmentally related, i.e. there’s some form of discharges, may it be air emission; wastewater treated effluent; and/or solid waste disposal, is mandatory to comply with criteria stipulated by our DOE.

Other that those procedural work flows, we’ve also enclosed some important DOE guidelines and checklists/forms for detailed reference. Please find them at our Resources tab.

Lastly, we’d curteously welcome you to our informative portal, and also hope you’d find it useful and helpful for your environmetal regulatory matters. Also please feel free to let us know your concerns, comments and feedbacks.

Preliminary Phase

The very first thing needs to do is to file in your application under DOE Planning Approval (Penilaian Maklumat Asas Tapak). The applicant is required to compile & submit a series of document for DOE to review whether proposed project is viable to be carried out at the proposed premise.

This may vary from states to states, depending on the respective requirements from state DOE.

Types of Facility Setup

If you’re planning to setup up a new recycling/recovery facility (at an existing or newly constructed area), you might probably need to start from Term of Reference (TOR) process, and all the way through Environmental Impact Accessment (EIA), Section 19 and finally Section 18.

In addition, you also need to decide whether your facility is of FULL RECOVERY FACILITY or PARTIAL RECOVERY FACILITY.

Your facility involve in the whole ranges of processes in one premise, i.e. dismantling, sorting, segregating, treatment process for recovering products, and packaging of recovered & non-recovered products from the incoming scheduled waste(s).

This license is still available. Even if you only involve in dismantling, sorting, segregating, and packaging of segregated items of the incoming scheduled waste(s), EIA is also required.

Modification/Upgrade of Existing Facility

On the other hand, if you’ve existing facility and some upgradings/modification is required, you should directly go to Written Notification section.

One very important condition is that the operation of the existing facility has already been approved under DOE Section 18.

Final Notes

We’ve also included a Post-Approval Section for your reference. This is about what you need to do for DOE regulatory compliance after you’ve obtained final approval certificate from DOE. We hope you might find this website useful.

" Your Companion for Creating a Greener & Environmental Friendly Business with all the compliances to local government and agencies requirements. "

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